Welcome to 2012

Welcome to 2012, the year many have been talking about. Some are anticipating the Mayans beliefs, that the world will end in 2012 (I would not be to worried about that). Some also say 2012 is going to be a year where we will have a great economic depression. Others say more wars are going to unfold. Whatever the predictions are, we all agree that 2012 is going to be a hell of a year. If you thought 2011 was a crazy year, wait till 2012 unfolds. For now check out Rap News X and their take on 2012. Really hilarious. Thumbs up to Rap News!

RAP NEWS X - #Occupy2012 (feat. Noam Chomsky & Anonymous)

I hope in 2012 more people will wake up and realize how corrupted this world really is, I hope in 2012 more people will stand up and fight for the truth. I hope in 2012 we all will stand up for what we believe in and listen to our hearts for a change. I wish you good luck in 2012, don't say you have not been warned, be prepared for 2012. Peace.



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